The following information sheets show Some of the standard modular and mobile plants that we have available. We can supply plants to your specific requirements and Have included a project questionnaire to better Understand your project and it’s needs.
Our supplier has been manufacturing plant equipment and providing services to the mining industry since 1956. Plant and equipment is manufactured and assembled in a modern 22,000 square meter factory. The factory is ISO 9002 accredited.
The plants are designed using computerised 3D modelling and stress analysis techniques to ensure quality and durability. Each plant is assembled and where applicable water tested in the factory.
This ensures that the erection time required on site is minimised and generally the plants are placed on simple slab foundations or bunded areas.
Modular and mobile plants offer advantages in getting operations started in remote locations.
The scope of work for plants can include:
- Design
- Engineering
- Manufacture
- Logistics
- Erection
- Commissioning
- Infrastructure
Products range from Scrubbers and Screens, DMS Plants, Coal Washing Plants, Spiral Plants, Rotary Screens, Grizzly Feeders and overall plant layouts. Plants have been supplied in to the diamond, coal, copper and chrome industries.
Answers to the following questions, whichever are relevant, will help us determine how best we can assist you at this time.
Project Overview
Please describe briefly your proposed project, its primary objectives, tenure and summary of required services.
Project Details
What is the nature of the project?
- Improvement to an existing facility
- Expansion of an existing facility
- New project development
- Other
What is the status of the project?
- Conceptual
- Pre-feasibility study
- Feasibility study
- Control Budget Estimate
- Detail design
- Procurement
- Construction
- Commissioning
- Where is the project located
- Location in relation to coastal areas
- Is the site green or brown field
- Where is your project team located
- Do you have a geological and topographical survey of the proposed project site
- Do you have a geotechnical survey and report
- What are the climatic and seismological conditions
- Where are the nearest power and water utility suppliers located
- Do these utilities have spare capacity
- Where are the nearest road and rail infrastructure connections
- What are the existing site access conditions
- What communications are available on site
Are the applicable environmental considerations being handled by yourselves and or other specialist consultants? If not do you have the necessary requirements for the project?
Permitting and Regulations
Are the applicable permitting, regulatory and statutory considerations being handled by yourselves and or other specialist consultants? If not do you have the necessary requirements for the project?
Scope of Work
Please indicate what is the required scope of work, for example:
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Ore body evaluation
- Resource definition
- Mine design
- Mine planning
- Mine scheduling and equipping
- Mine waste disposal
- Mine infrastructure
- Process treatment plant design
- Process treatment plant flowsheet and mass balance
- Process treatment plant control philosophy
- Process treatment plant functional specification
- Process treatment plant tailings disposal
- Product dispatch and delivery
- Site security
- Product security
- Site infrastructure and services
- Do you have an overall flowsheet and scope of work?
- What are the characteristics of the Run of Mine ore, in respect of waste, fines and clay?
- What are the required mining and process treatment plant tonnages?
- Do you have a particle size analysis of the process plant feed material or a representative sample?
- Do you have a mineralogical analysis of the ore, with hardness and abrasive coefficients for the constituent parts?
- Can it be assumed that make up water for the process will be provided by others and given the expected reliability of supply what storage provisions should be made on site?
- What is the likely quality of the water supply and is an analysis of the water quality available?
- What is the rated power supply in respect of voltage and available power, reliability and distance from site to the point of connection? Is self generation an option to be considered?
- Is provision to be made for tailings, slimes and waste disposal to be made and how far are the likely disposal sites from the source?
- What are the final product storage requirements?
- What is the preferred method of product delivery?
- Are the processes to be used based on proven technology?
- Are process and performance guarantees required?
- Do you have a specific set of design specifications and criteria for the project?
- What is the expected life of the project?
- What level of process control is required?
- What is the proposed operating regime, shifts, hours per annum etc?